Marcus’ campaign focusing on the cultural heritage of Baracuta
Tell us about your favourite campaign or project you have worked on and briefly what made it so special Probably when I did the Baracuta campaign for two years after it got bought by WP Lavori in Italy. They really wanted to focus on the cultural heritage of the brand so I was able to use my knowledge of the subject as well. I was given quite a free rein in terms of casting, etc. I also did all the photography myself so I had a big hand in it all. Aside from the photo campaign we also planned events, etc so it was a really big project.
Who, in your opinion is a rising new talent in the creative industry I have a couple of radio shows and work as a DJ. I’m actually finding the music right now to be really inspiring and creative. I feel right now it’s hard to be creative and stand apart from the marketing agenda in this age so I think a lot of true creativity is being suppressed. This is also down to the short-attention span, quick media of digital platforms which doesn’t offer much creative scope. Right now music feels really important as it is a good creative outlet that can be made independently. I could literally give you an endless list right now as there is so much amazing stuff but I’m going to say Skinny Pelembe as he’s just realised his debut album.

Skinny Pelembe
Who in our Industry inspires To be honest I have to mention all the amazing people who make Jocks&Nerds happen. The magazine has support from the best photographers, writers, stylists, art directors and your good selves, dedicating time, money, energy and creativity to making Jocks&Nerds happen. I wouldn’t be able to do it otherwise. Right now I feel it’s a really hard time to be creative and do something truly journalistic as advertisers have such a stranglehold on media. They also have their own routes to their consumer so it’s getting very hard to have critical and independent voices. Personally I see that as a genuine problem and Jocks&Nerds is my small way of challenging that. It’s a huge undertaking with no financial reward but I sincerely hope that something will change moving forward.
What are you most proud of in your career I’d have to say Jocks&Nerds. Although it failed as a business, I believe we stuck to our ideals and we are living in an age where media is broken but I still have the balls to stand up to all that is wrong with it rather than kowtow to commercial pressures and sacrifice journalistic principals. As I see it, everyone else has thrown the towel in. I hold my head high above those people who are probably the ones with the status and acknowledgment in my industry.
Tell us who is your favourite musical artist Music is a huge part of my life (and work) I’m a DJ and I have two radio shows so I’m plugged into music all the time. Way too many to mention but I can tell you I don’t have the time or inclination to listen to populist, anodyne trash – I can’t understand how anyone can.
And your favourite film, book or both I’m a bit of a movie geek – I don’t have Netflix – I still get DVDs and have a huge collection – I treat it just like people do a record collection. Building it up with the best movies ever made. It’s a tough one as I love so many but I’m currently reading a just released heavyweight tome about Once Upon A Time in the West by Sergio Leone so I might say that one as I do love those films. I remember first seeing the Dollars trilogy with my older brother when I was still really young – it’s nice when something you loved as a kid still holds your attention when you get older.

What’s on the menu for Claudia Cardinale?
Name current or from history, 4/6 of the best dinner companions Jimi Hendrix, Dali, Claudia Cardinale, my missus, Marcus Aurelius, Siddhattha
And where would you take them for dinner? Round at mine – I’m a mean cook.
Tell us a secret about yourself….. I’ve never had a KFC or a Nando’s.

Stephen Dorff on the cover of the newly relaunched Jocks&Nerds